For customers who can't afford to miss that vital call, Digital Mail's dmClub product portfolio includes a 24/7 human answering service.
Professional call answering, for a fraction of the cost of a dedicated call centre.
dmAnswers14 is a pay-as-you-go 'receptionist-like' human answering service, available to take calls 24 hours a day, 7 days-a-week. It's controllable through a smartphone app, allowing you to specify your availability to take different type of calls, and a message to give callers.
dmAnswers is a 'receptionist-like' human answering service, available to take calls 24 hours a day, 7 days-a-week, whenever the account holder is unavailable. Unlike voicemail, which some callers might find off-putting, dmAnswers operators are trained to answer calls professionally, in the customer's name, and to take down and deliver a concise, focused message. With dmAnswers, customers need never miss a call.